VHF/AIS (06/2018)
When purchased, my C270 had a very basic (possibly factory original)
VHF. Here's a photo of the electrical panel area and the old VHF.
As with all my C270 pages, click on the photo for a larger version.

Initially I planned on installing a more modern VHF in the same
spot. But in the process of working on other electronics on the
boat, I decided I wanted to install a battery monitor display. But
I first thought of installing the battery monitor display below the
settee cushion right where the batteries are. But there just wasn't
enough space between the board and the battery box behind it, so
that idea was out.
So I thought of building a small enclosure for it on the shelf just
above the electrical panel. That idea morphed into building a larger
enclosure which would also fit the new VHF.

I also added a couple "lighter" plus for charging the handheld VHF
or any other accessories. There's also a switch to control the AIS
I went with a Standard Horizon Explorer VHF. It's a pretty basic
model but has all the usual DSC functionality the old one lacked. On
my previous boat I had a VHF with an AIS receiver built-in but since
I decided on an AIS transponder for the C270, no sense in
duplicating AIS support on the VHF.
Here is a closer view:

To make the VHF usable while sailing, when I'm at the helm, I also
installed the remote handset:

The cover is hinged so I can open it to access the wiring:

The AIS transponder is a Vesper Marine XB-6000 which is hidden
behind the enclosure. It comes with an external GPS antenna but so
far it appears to be getting very good GPS reception with its
internal antenna so I have not needed to install the external one.

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